The Attitude of Gratitude


Mama Bear


Today I am Grateful book
Today I am Grateful book

With the new year beginning, I've noticed a growing cultural embrace of gratitude and intentional thankfulness. This mindfulness movement is not new to me, however. Back in 2017, in need of more positivity and perspective, I began my own digital gratitude journal using the Notes app on my iPhone. Whenever a feeling of gratitude washed over me – whether sparked by joyful moments or during frustrating situations – I would stop to jot down a quick blurb about my emotions, surroundings, and current state of mind. I'd make a numbered list of things I was thankful for in that moment, no matter how small or mundane.

Looking back on these snippets of gratitude spanning several years has proven enlightening. Each note captures a glimmer into my mindset and perspective at a particular time. I enjoy traveling back to those notes to get an idea of my mindset, witness my evolution in a different way and even inspire my current self. I relish scrolling through and revisiting these moments, like opening a time capsule to my previous headspace. The ordinary items on my lists – a lazy afternoon, quality time with family, a restful nap, conversations with my nephews – illustrate what brought me simple joys. Even notes written during difficult stretches reveal my efforts to reset perspective and uncover silver linings. Revisiting these gratitude journal entries grounds me in remembering where I’ve been, in order to continue progressing ahead with wisdom. More importantly, it reminds me to relish the present moments – to appreciate life’s simplicities through rose-colored glasses when needed.

This regular practice of listing gratitudes cultivated deeper mindfulness in me over the years. Countering negative thought patterns with thankfulness trained my brain to find the good and celebrate tiny triumphs. Continuing this gratitude journal is my way of intentionally cherishing each experience, while tracking my personal growth. It provides reassurance by highlighting how far I’ve come during tougher seasons. But most of all, it inspires me to keep evolving into my best and most positive self. I encourage you to climb aboard the bandwagon and give it a try. This is one trend that I wholly embrace.