Protecting Our Children



The question of how far we'd go to protect our children is rarely more relevant than it is today. While external threats often come to mind, statistics reveal a sobering truth: the majority of child abuse cases occur within the home. In the United States alone, an estimated one in seven children experience abuse or neglect annually, with nearly 1,700 fatalities documented in 2020.

Our vigilance is crucial, especially in a world filled with online dangers and unprecedented access to information. However, protection goes beyond physical barriers. Fostering open communication is paramount.

Talk to your children early and often. Let them know you are a safe space where they will not be judged and their experiences will be understood. This is especially important as they navigate the complexities of online interactions and potential peer pressure.

Remember, isolation can breed vulnerability. When children feel unheard or misunderstood, they may seek validation in unhealthy environments. Regular, open communication builds trust and empowers them to confide in you when facing challenges.

Protection truly begins at home, but it does not end there. Educate yourself about the signs of abuse, both physical and emotional. Stay informed about online safety strategies and encourage responsible digital citizenship in your children. Overall safety requires vigilance both within the home and about outside influences.


  • National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453

  • Childhelp USA: 1-800-422-4453

  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): 1-800-656-HOPE You can also get help online at RAINN's website: